Anti-Bacterial Blinds Kills 99% of Coronavirus


Did you know…

There are anti-microbial blind fabrics that are treated in a such a way that permanently kills and inhibits the growth of microbes and bacteria?

This helps to keep your new roller blinds smelling fresh and reducing the risk of potentially harmful pathogens growing, without altering the handle or feel of the fabric.

Why use anti-microbial fabric?

Anti-microbial fabrics are a hot topic at the moment as, although Covid restrictions are being lifted, we’ll be living with the after effects and associated health risks for years to come.

The use of anti-Microbial fabrics in healthcare environments is nothing new, but they are increasingly being asked for for domestic applications.

Therefore, Love Your Blinds offer a range of CORONASAFE & BIOSAFE FABRICS, such as Carnival and Carnival Blackout, which offers a unique coating with proven protection, eliminating 99% of coronavirus from the fabric’s surface within an hour!  This is a tremendous result when, according to The Lancet, cloth can retain the virus for up to 2 days!

Talk to us about our anti-microbial fabric options today.


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