How much will my shutters cost?
Fill out the simple selections below to generate an instant price and find out exactly how much your shutters will cost today. Use the shutter cost calculator below and order directly through the website or give us a call for further details.
Hint! If you are calculating more than one shutter be sure to save each quote! Then hit view saved quotes for your total.
We offer an additional 5% discount on all orders above £2,500
Is your window a standard (square or rectangular window) or a Bay Window?
Would you like hidden tilt?
Hidden Tilt: A rack and pinion mechanism invisibly hidden in the panel frame.
A slim concealed rod mounted discretely on the rear edge of the louvres as a no cost option .
Do you want Tier-On-Tier style?
What are the (*approximate) dimensions of your window?
If you selected Bay window, add the combined widths of all the sections together to give the width.
*Don't worry about being too accurate, we will check all details and sizes before proceeding with your order.
Choose your measurement:
Name your quote
I.e "Kitchen window by sink".
Please enter your details to view your calculations.